
Feng Shui Mistakes You Don’t Want To Make

buddha-611561_640Feng Shui may not be as popular as it once was in the 90’s, but it seems to be making a comeback. So we thought this would be the perfect time to help you avoid common Feng Shui mistakes you may make. One common mistake we’ve found many people do, is not brighten up their hallways. Paint your hallway a light or extremely bright colourful to combat any darkness. Darkness is said to replicate bad vibes, so is definitely a no-no!

Another mistake is having a TV in the bedroom. A TV is said to produce bad vibes due to the fact it is emitting EMF rays, which are said to disrupt your immune system.

This is an unlikely one, but if you have two mirrors opposite each other, move one immediately. This can be known to cause energy bouncing off each mirror.


Designer Garage Doors: Issues That You Should Consider

When looking for a designer garage door, most people put much emphasis on the design and beauty of the door. However, it is important to note that your garage door will do much more than just beautify your home. In addition to the beauty aspect, your garage door should be able to offer protection from harsh weather conditions and burglary. The major difference between stylish garage doors and other garage doors is only the appearance but they play the same role of protection. A fashionable door can help transform the appearance of your home by being the main attraction or by enhancing the overall appearance. You should also understand that the designer garage doors are expensive and hence the need to get it right the first time. Some of the features that you should emphasise on when choosing garage designer doors include:


The important thing about trendy doors is that they can be customised according to every aspect of your home. Your door can be designed to mimic any style whether contemporary, traditional or anything in-between. However, when choosing the ideal beauty style, it is important to choose a style that also complements the construction of the door. For example, choosing doors with a true frame and panel construction will make the door sturdier than a door with nailed or glued frames and panels for decorative aspect only. The door can also be customised with frosted plastic or shatterproof glass in the panels instead of the normal glass to create a more modern appearance. Glass panels are essential as they allow light to pass during the day.  (more…)

Design Tips For The Office

office-332211_640Are you looking to design your office. The correct office design is crucial to the success of your company. An office that doesn’t function leads to time being wasted, meaning money is being wasted. A good office will give staff an enjoyable environment to work in, motivating them leading to better quality of work.

When designing an office, the first thing we recommend you look into is natural light. Studies have shown that natural light helps improve productivity, whilst also decreasing the likelihood of complaints about eye strain and headaches.

Look at the space in your office and see if there’s any way you can incorporate a casual room, then do it. Casual space is great to relax in, again aiding creativity and also helping to inspire.

Don’t avoid branding your workplace also. Give the office and identity and let it be a reminder to everyone where they are and what’s expected of them. It also adds visual interest and shows clients (who may visit the office) that you take work seriously.

Tips On Removing Wallpaper

Looking to redecorate your wall with new wallpaper and have old wallpaper in the way of your plans? Well it’s time to remove that wallpaper and what better way than using a steamer? You can find a wallpaper steamer in most DIY stores and they don’t cost too much, instead they make the draining task of removing old paper so much easier.

Whilst your steamer is heating up, make sure to prepare the area with dropcloths etc. Then perforate the paper, which allow the steam to penetrate the glue. Be careful not to push into the wall surface too much as this may damage the wall surface.

When ready, apply the steam and let it soften the glue between the wallpaper and wall. The longer you steam the wallpaper, the less time you spend on using a scraping tool to get rid.

Removing Stains From Your Curtains

curtains-42858_640Although it may seem like an unlikely scenario, you’d be surprised at the amount of people who have stained their curtains. Here are a few steps to help you remove the stains without damaging your curtains.

Before you do any type of cleaning, make sure to pre-soak your curtains in cold water. If you want to help the stain removal process, you can also add some baking soda with lemon juice. We don’t recommend using hot water, as your curtains may lose shape and ultimately shrink.

After you’ve let the curtains soak for a few hours, fill your sink with cold water and mild detergent and place your curtains in the water. Let them soak again, but this time for a few minutes and then start rubbing together (the levels of strength used to rub, depends on type of fabric). Soak the curtains again for a few minutes and then rinse with cold water, gently ridding of any excess water.

When drying, hang the curtains out on a washing line and stretch the material as much as possible. This enables the fabric to dry quicker and also keep wrinkles away from the material.