Feng Shui Mistakes You Don’t Want To Make

buddha-611561_640Feng Shui may not be as popular as it once was in the 90’s, but it seems to be making a comeback. So we thought this would be the perfect time to help you avoid common Feng Shui mistakes you may make. One common mistake we’ve found many people do, is not brighten up their hallways. Paint your hallway a light or extremely bright colourful to combat any darkness. Darkness is said to replicate bad vibes, so is definitely a no-no!

Another mistake is having a TV in the bedroom. A TV is said to produce bad vibes due to the fact it is emitting EMF rays, which are said to disrupt your immune system.

This is an unlikely one, but if you have two mirrors opposite each other, move one immediately. This can be known to cause energy bouncing off each mirror.


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