Why Frameless Glass is Becoming a Popular Part of Home Decor

Frameless glass is becoming a very popular solution of home décor. For the new home builders or other homeowners renovating their houses, it is very uncommon to see most of them use the traditional décor. Frameless glass has become a popular part of many rooms and bathrooms due to its many new touches it gives the house or the bathroom. This has led to their great demand in the growing market for housing and even for new home builders. One of the main and most notable difference between the frameless glass and the traditionally used framed door is that frameless glass give the house the look or feel of openness or spacious.


There is a broad range of glass doors with different finishes that one can choose from. Examples of these finishes include the frosted glass, the patterned glass, a clear glass and many more options that the homeowner can choose from. These finishes go with the amount of privacy the owner of the house wants. For example, clear frameless glass rooms can’t hide anything within it.


Frameless glass doors have numerous benefits that they bring to your house and especially when used in the bathroom.

  • The primary reason why the frameless glass is so popular is the stylish property of it. A frameless door gives one’s bathroom a stylish look making it look more beautiful in appearance and welcoming. This makes it more favoured by new home builders or renovators.
  • Another benefit that sees many home owners invest in them is the ease of cleaning and maintaining. Frameless glass rooms and doors are easier to clean and maintain than the traditional doors. They do not allow mould to grow in making them more appealing to homeowners who travel regularly.
  • Spacious. When your bathroom looks smaller and you want it to look bigger, installing a framed glass in your bathroom will give it a broader look. This gives comfort to homeowners with a less spacious house.
  • These doors are also built with a heavy glass that can withstand heavy impacts without getting damage. This makes them an exception from the traditional glass doors. This relieves homeowners from worrying about falling over the door frames. The heavy glass also gives the frameless glass a longer lasting durability than other glass doors.
  • Value of your home is another notable benefit of using frameless glass. Once installed in your house, they add the value of your house since they are not cheap. For investors who build houses for investment purposes, this is a great way of increasing the value of the house before selling it.


Though the frameless glass comes with many benefits that will refresh your house and give it a new looks, they also have their downsides. One of the main reasons why they are not installed by many homeowners is because of their cost. For a standard bathroom or shower frameless glass door, you may have to pay up to £650 to £1,200. For an average homeowner, this may be expensive to install especially in an old house.


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