Make use of space under your stairs

The home you once thought was spacious is growing smaller as your family is getting larger.  If you are in need of more storage options but have exhausted the use of plastic boxes hidden under the beds, well now is the time to make the most out of that redundant space under the stairs.

Put your interior design hat on and start thinking of ways to put that unused space to good use. Now becoming one of the most popular interior ideas is to create a fantastic and unique storage platform under your own stairs.

Many furniture shops have picked up on this genius idea and have created pieces of furniture that simple slot into the spare space and make it easy for you to fill with your extra belongings. If you feel like you want to be a little more creative, then try designing the space yourself and get a chippy to do the hard part and make your design a reality.

When it comes to under stair interior ideas you could opt for a simple but busy book case, with different size shelves to fit your library of reads open for all visitors to see. This however is not everyone’s idea of bliss, as a busy bookcase does not suit those that like to hide their clutter behind closed doors. Creating a closed cupboard design where you can shut the door and have it away from guest’s eyes. Choosing this option gives you the opportunity to add a unique design to the cupboard door faces, choosing a mix of colours for a funky alternative or all white for an opportunity to create a larger space.

Whichever you prefer, creating an under the stair storage area is really easy and allows you to get a bit creative with your designs. You can get some more ideas by watching the video below.


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