How to brighten up your home using accessories

Dark rooms are generally welcomed in winter months as they feel warm and cosy but during summer you may want to brighten up your home without too much effort. Brightening up a dark room can be challenging especially if the room has minimal natural light but we have put together a list of tips that you can use to easily brighten your home using minimal effort.

1. Bright art – vibrant paintings or canvases will brighten up any room. The brighter the better.

2. Colourful rugs – this simple trick will inject personality into any room whilst brightening it up

3. Mirrors – Mirrors will make any space feel larger. If you place opposite a window, they will double up your light sources.

4. Chandeliers – chandeliers will reflect sunlight and reflect it throughout a room.

5. Add metallics – adding metallic accessories is an easy way to brighten up any room and will reflect natural light.

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